

With your empty cartridges, you could really help someone.

Since 2000, we have actively participated in the Mira Foundation's printer cartridge recovery program.

This beneficial partnership takes positive steps to help the environment, while providing guide dogs and assistance dogs for people with visual impairments or reduced mobility, as well as children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Interested in doing something environmentally conscious that contributes to the funding of Mira dogs through the recovery of cartridges?!

3 simple steps can help make a difference!

  1. Fill out the online registration form.
  2. Receive via email information on the program and on the planning of your pick-ups via a Web platform.
  3. Schedule your cartridge pickup via the Web platform!

The cartridges are then sorted and sold by tender to recyclers. Non-recyclable cartridges are destroyed in an environmentally responsible manner. The cardboard and plastic generated by your shipments are also recycled.

To register for the cartridge recycling program, click here